1 buildscript { 2 repositories { 3 jcenter() 4 } 5 dependencies { 6 classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.2' 7 //GreenDao3依赖 8 classpath 'org.greenrobot:greendao-gradle-plugin:3.2.1' 9 }10 }
1 apply plugin: 'com.android.application' 2 //使用greendao 3 apply plugin: 'org.greenrobot.greendao' 4 5 android { 6 compileSdkVersion 23 7 buildToolsVersion "23.0.2" 8 9 defaultConfig {10 applicationId "com.handsome.didi"11 minSdkVersion 1412 targetSdkVersion 2313 versionCode 114 versionName "1.0"15 }16 //greendao配置17 greendao {18 //版本号,升级时可配置19 schemaVersion 1 20 }21 buildTypes {22 release {23 minifyEnabled false24 proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'25 }26 }27 }28 29 30 dependencies {31 compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')32 testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'33 compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.1'34 //greendao依赖35 compile 'org.greenrobot:greendao:3.2.0'36 }
到这里就配置成功了,同步编译(Sync Project)之后没毛病的话就可以往下创建bean类了。
1 @Entity 2 public class Shop{ 3 4 //不能用int 5 @Id(autoincrement = true) 6 private Long id; 7 8 //商品名称 9 @Unique10 private String name;11 12 //商品价格13 @Property(nameInDb = "price")14 private String price;15 16 }
这里创建了一个“商品”的实体类,(PS:主键是Long型,不是long哟)然后选择build——>make project,此时会自动为shop类生成构造方法和set、get方法,还有就是greendao操作的重要部分: DaoMaster、DaoSession、DAOS类,但是初次生成并不在src目录下,而是在这里
1 greendao {2 //版本号,升级时可配置3 schemaVersion 14 //文件目录5 targetGenDir 'src/main/java'6 //包名路径7 daoPackage 'com.sharley.greendaodemo.greendao'8 }
1 @Entity 2 public class User { 3 4 @Id(autoincrement = true) 5 private Long id; 6 7 private String name; 8 9 @ToMany(referencedJoinProperty = "sid")10 private Listshops;11 }
private Long sid;
make project后,user类除了之前说的方法之外还会额外生成一个getShops的方法
1 /** Used to resolve relations */ 2 @Generated(hash = 2040040024) 3 private transient DaoSession daoSession; 4 /** Used for active entity operations. */ 5 @Generated(hash = 1507654846) 6 private transient UserDao myDao; 7 8 /** 9 * To-many relationship, resolved on first access (and after reset).10 * Changes to to-many relations are not persisted, make changes to the target entity.11 */12 @Generated(hash = 355127918)13 public ListgetShops() {14 if (shops == null) {15 final DaoSession daoSession = this.daoSession;16 if (daoSession == null) {17 throw new DaoException("Entity is detached from DAO context");18 }19 ShopDao targetDao = daoSession.getShopDao();20 List shopsNew = targetDao._queryUser_Shops(id);21 synchronized (this) {22 if (shops == null) {23 shops = shopsNew;24 }25 }26 }27 return shops;28 }